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    « ABC board sets forum on Monday -- seeks public input on how to use $900,000 endowment for enhancing diversity after shuttering scholars program | Main | VIDEO/AUDIO: All the details about Krens "cultural corridor" ideas with Weld, Dukakis »

    November 28, 2015


    Cynthia D. Payne

    I'm so disgusted by the way the college destroys neighborhoods (Hoxsey Street) and tears down attractive and historic old buildings (the Opera House) in order to build ugly modern buildings (the studio arts building).
    Southworth is a quiet, residential street. The only real traffic is children going to school. And the college wants to move the art museum to this quiet corner. How many homes does it plan to tear down in order to build this complex? I agree with Bill Densmore: use the Town Garage parking lot on Water Street.

    Bill Densmore

    Why don't they propose building it on the old Town Garage site on Water Street? It could be integrated with a little retail and a parking garage that could facilitate a connection to Spring Street. If it were tall enough, there could even be a pedestrian walkway across to the studio art building. I rent an office right next door to that site but I'd favor it. That site has also been proposed for affordable housing so maybe that could be part of the development. College gets the land from the town in exchange for a commitment to include some residential development -- mixing residential with Spring Street and art is a sound urban-planning strategy.

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