After attending several Journalism that Matters sessions, Chris Peck, editor of the Memphis Commercial Appeal, has developed "The Next Newsroom" business plan for producing high-quality journalism in the future. Think of it as a kernel of an idea that via Open Source vetting you will help shape into a fundable, sustained model.
The full 14-page plan will be posted as an editable wiki by mid-July at the Journalism that Matters website. Via an open online forum from July 17-27, we will begin the vetting process that will carry over into the Journalism that Matters live sessions on Aug. 7-8, 2007 at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. The online discussion, moderated by Peck, will go wherever the participants take it, but initially will center on these four topic areas:
- The revenue challenge. Journalists know the appetite for local news and community storytelling remains strong. But news gathering is not free.
- The business model that has long-supported local newsgathering has broken down. The Next Newsroom builds on new revenue streams and a new business model that will support the work of journalists in a local community.
- The technology challenge. Today, digital technology has given a printing press to everyone with access to a laptop and broadband Internet. New digital devices, in essence, have made the printing press both expensive and obsolete. The Next Newsroom builds its newsgathering operations around the use of lower cost digital technologies and devices.
- The community challenge. The core relationship between journalists and communities has evolved. No longer can journalists operate as detached experts who lecture a community of readers. Citizen journalists now eagerly seek opportunities to be journalists for a day/week/month so they can report and comment on the passions and concerns in their lives. The Next Newsroom will embrace and build on these new community relationships.
Finally, after the Journalism that Matters DC sessions end on Aug. 8, we hope to have identified a community where the Next Newsroom prototype will launch.