Leonard Witt spent more than 30 years in main-stream media, mostly in Minneapolis, before signing on as a professor at Kennesaw State University outside Atlanta. Since then, he's been focused on how to re-invent journalism. First he founded the Public Journalism Network. Now he's written a provocative piece for First Monday entitled: "Constructing a Framework to Enable an Open Source Reinvention of Journalism." Witt has summarized his thinking in a short Q&A interview with college journalists, and in a nine -minute audio inteview (4.7meg download) with the Media Giraffe Project's Bill Densmore (with apologies for the 60-cycle hum in the background). What lessons from the open-source software movement might apply to reinventing the practice of journalism in a connected world? (REVIEW) / ABSTRACT.
AUDIO: Download leonard-witt-PJNET.mp3