Leonard Witt has worked at a small New Hampshire weekly, at the Allentown, Pa., daily, and as an editor at the Minneapolis Star Tribune and Minnesota Public Radio. Now, as a Kennesaw [Ga.] State University professor, he's leading the Representative Journalism Project. The goal: Using Northfield, Minn., as a test site, see whether the public can be convinced to support civic-oriented, web-based journalism with their pocketbooks. Witt describes the project in a discuss at the "Sharing the News" symposium, June 28, 2008, at Lowell, Mass., organized by the New England News Forum. Bill Densmore, NENF director, introduces. Click on the carat on the left of the bar below to listen to streaming audio, or download an MP3 podcast for offline listening. There is also video available at: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/524639