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September 26, 2010


Paddu G

I guess, journalism and publishing will undergo a massive shift. Days of few large publishers and associated journalists are gone, in my opinion. In a few years, the way we publish news, views and other contents will change greatly. So it is not a matter of iPad; we have to see how internet technology changes the publishing world.

Lon Koenig

Nice explanation of why the iPad won't save Publishers. But you mentioned Journalism, and didn't support that topic.
Journalism is undergoing a huge devaluation because of simple Supply and Demand. When there were 4 closed, local outlets per market, then each of those outlets needs to have a full staff of reporters and journalists to compete.
But in today's world, where most of the local news (in any medium) is just rehash of AP stories, and every consumer has access to tens of thousands of outlets, the need for local staff is hugely reduced. I'm saying a 90% reduction in demand, but I might be crazy.
There were over 15,000 reporters at the last Democratic National Convention. More than three journalists for every delegate. Thousands - literally thousands - of reporters for each nominee. No industry can survive in the face of such redundancy.
I'm all for democratic media, but that's just noise.

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